Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The awkward moment when your hiding in a closet from a tornado with nothing but your laptop, snuggie, and phone. My dad, and sister smutted in the closet with me, and my sister and mom in the closet across from us. As we wait, I realize there is no plug in the closet which means I cant charge my computer or my phone. Great times! It keeps getting hotter and hotter as we listen to a live feed on the weather. Turns out the tornado was going right past us so that was good news! Before we got this news we had to wait for an online commercial to end. Who puts commercials on a web page for tornado warnings? Clearly I need the news of a twister at that very moment! I'm sure the website can make money some other way! This post is dedicated to anyone that was harmed in the tornados recently, and for the news cast people who informed everyone right away.
PS. We all lived passed DoomsDay so CONGRATS!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Karminator for the Day

I have an appreciation for weird people, probably cause I'm a little weird myself. But I dont EVER look at weirdness as a bad thing cause it makes everything so much more interesting! Anyways, I saw the Karminator's post about the insane shoe designs..and "High School Bathroom Experience". Well I have gotten a few weird looks in my day. I was shopping in Target one day (specifically in the office supplies aisle) and I saw this awesome tie-dye duck tape, pretty rad stuff. So I stole it....Just Kidding! I definitely paid for it. But there's only so much tie-dye duck tape in this roll, so all of it had to be put to good use of course! Bored outta my gord one night, I found some old shoe-soles and decided to make tie-dye duck tape shoes. :D The end product was a success, and they were worn to school the following day. The shoes got many compliments, and I got alot of disbelieving looks from folks who were probably thinking, "This crazy kid has way too much time on her hands...She needs to get out more." Sadly, thats probably true..

Monday, May 9, 2011

CRAZY...craziest shoes ever made!

As you can see these shoes are absolutly bananas! People actually wore these once in their life which is wierdly AWESOME! yay for wierd people:) I don't know about you, but I'm heading over to my local mall with a picture of these shoes, and asking around. I'm gonna be the talk to the school tomorrow;) nbd that chick is wearing fish and alien brains on her feet....just a typical day for thekarminator!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Take a Tumble!

One sunny morning my sister, and I were sitting in our French class enjoying the romantic language when disaster struck. my teacher had to sit in my seat to help the kid next to me, so I decided to sit on my sisters lap until he was done. My sister tells me to get up for a minute so she can rearrange her legs, and when i sat back down to by surprise there was a pen waiting to poke my but! I quickly started squirming around in the chair, and eventually slipped off my sisters lap and pushed the desk backwards. Another girl was sitting in front of us, and got the desk fall on her. I'm laying on my back with my legs, and arms in the air laughing hysterically with my sister while this other girl trues to pull the desk off of herself. My teacher came to check if I was hurt, but I was fine! I stayed down there for a while longer because I just could not stop laughing. The girl infront of us gave us a dirty look for making a desk fall on her, but she got over it eventually. i can still picture that disaster of my sister trying to catch me, me falling off her lap, the desk tipping over, and the girl infront of us fighting the desk off. The days when something so funny happens that you can't contain your laughter, are the ones to remember. It was a crazy situation that made a beautiful day even better!

Immitation of Jeanette

I never believed in the tooth fairy. My parents let me believe in other things, but they didnt want me to think money was just something thatappeared. They wanted me to understand that it came from their hard work. But we werent kids who never got to experience having an imagination. My mom and dad always gave us lots of money for our tooth, and took us out to do something special. One time we went ro eat icecream for dinner because i had lost my tooth and it was soft to eat.
"Be careful, don't spill the icecream on your clothes!", my dad said laughing.
"I wont! I'm a pro at eating icecream! If there was a contest, I would win!", I said.
My family, and i sat under a tree and ate our icecream. Even though we didnt have the tooth fairy, we still had a tooth losing experience.

I used a personal experience and something we as children got that not many kids did to immitate Jeannette's writing style. Jeannette is to the point, and elaborates on reasons why, and how she felt as the writing continues. I used this by right away telling the readers what I was going to talk about, and then later expanding on that.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jeanette Walls--A Mentor Author who had a crazy life

Jeannette Walls, the author of The Glass Castle, uses open honesty, and true stories to put together a novel that always leaves you in shock. The events of Jeanette's life makes you think about your life, and how you would deal with the situations she was put in. Her parents were adventurous people with one or two screws loose in their head. Jeanette lets you in to her deepest thoughts to let you know how she felt as a child. Letting the world into her head, and becoming vulnerable with so many people is really brave, and you can tell she is really opening up as the story continues. Jeannette's style is helpful to understand, and picture what's going on so that we can truly understand what she went through. She uses blunt sentences, and factual statements to tell the reader exactly what happened. She does this before she goes into detail in the later sentences. The dialogue makes the reader hear her families tone, and voice in your head. Using comparisons to a childs everyday life makes you realize how unusual her life was. When Jeannette gets to the point, and does these comparisons, it makes you imagine what your life would've been like if you were in the same predicament. She uses descriptions while the dialogue is happening which helps to picture what is going on around the people while they're communicating.

"I never believed in Santa Claus. None of us kids did. Mom and Dad refused to let us. They couldn't afford expensive presents and they didn't want us to think we weren't as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were supposedly left by Santa Claus.
Dad had lost his job at the gypsum, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took each one of us kids out into the desert night one by one.
"Pick out your favorite star", Dad said.
"I like that one!" I said.
Dad grinned, "that's Venus", he said. He explained to me that planets glowed because reflected light was constant and stars twinkled because their light pulsed.
"I like it anyway" I said.
"What the hell," Dad said. "It's Christmas. You can have a planet if you want."
And he gave me Venus.
-Jeannette Walls(The Glass Castle)