Friday, April 22, 2011

High school bathroom experience

So one sunny afternoon I was headed to the bathroom in my high school. I have decided that there are some freaks of nature in this school, so you never really know what's gonna happen. I make my way into the bathroom ready to do my thing, when I see that another stall is occupied a few down from mine. After I answer natures call, I get ready to head back to class for some good old fashion learning. All of a sudden I hear a moaning noise, which startles me so I decide to stay and listen. At first I thought something that is inapropraite, but then I thought maybe the girl was in pain? Finally I hear a big "PLOP" followed by an "ewww" from the girl in the stall. I can't control my laughter because I mean, who in the right mind says ew to their own poop? That's just nasty...So i decide to stay and listen further. The girl starts moaning AGAIN! All I can do is sit there in shock, and hold in my laughter, because I don't want her to know I'm in the bathroom too. I forgot that my hall pass is sitting on a sink in plain sight! She knows I'm in here! She tells me theres no toilet paper in the other stalls, then leaves. As I wash my hands and walk back to my class, I tell me friend, and I have never laughed to hard in my life! This chick, by the way, is in one of my classes so it's just awkward that I heard her making moaning sounds then saying ew to her own poo. I feel bad that her poo is that gross...
Basically, there are some wierdo's in high school who should make sure theres no one else in the bathroom before they do their business!


  1. Haha, that is why I avoid the bathroom at school!

  2. I feel the same way. I do not like when other people are in there too.
